Tuesday, September 28, 2010

rEventcap of The Event Episode 2 - To Keep Us Safe - Recap

Winds blows, a portal open the plane looks to be crashing into the sands, severe turbulence and loss of cabin pressures.  The plane hits a rock and then crash lands into the desert.  Chaos inside the plane, but Sean and most if not all of the passengers appear to be okay.  A first breaks out in the back of the plane, Sean opens the door to see that they are in desert and helps to evacuate the plane.  Move away from the plane to make room.  The air Marshall is trying to put out the fire.  The is an explosion in the back of the plane.  Sean rushes to save the Air Marshall.  They get off the plane.    Mike is the last off the plane and 

CUT TO 4 Days Earlier
When Michael is being held hostage.  The unnamed character is  trying to convince him yo fly the plane.  We hear Lelia say "Vicky what do you want?"   He refuses until he sees that these people have a gun to Lelia's head through a peep hole.  The unnamed man says you watched us kill your wife do you really think we won't kill your daughters.

Michael tells Sean that the people killed Mrs. Buchanan, that Lelia was being held by a lady named Vicky.  He was being held in Miami.   Helicopters are on the way and Sean thinks that it is help.  Michael knows that it is not help, and keeps trying to get Sean to go and finally Sean takes heed and takes off running.


The shock wave dissipates.  President pushed into the car and the motorcade takes off.  What happened, were people trying to kills us?  Elias promises to keep his family safe.

The motorcade arrives at the airport, and the president says to take the family to the bunker.  The plane was hijacked.  Who saved us? 

The government is making up a lame cover story (much like in Men in Black about ).  There is no debris in the area of the incident.  There was an off the chart blast of electromagnetic blast and the exact time that the plane went missing and they don't know what it means.  (Desmond didn't push the button)  Sterling says that he knows a group that could have done it to the plane.  and that the plane is headed to Brazil.

13 months earlier
Director Sterling doesn't want to share info about the 1944 (Undeclared origin crashed in the Brooks Mountains of Alaska.) 97 survivors were found and most were injured.  They were determined not to be terrestrial.  Scientist detected small variations, but it became clear that they age at a substantially slower rate.  Their DNA varies by slightly less than 1%.  They're people.  1% is significant, Chimp os 2%.

Why are we holding them?  Any acts of aggression?  BECAUSE they refuse to tell us the truth.  They have a hidden agenda.  Sterling knows it in his bones.  4/25/86


Sean is stumbling through the desert and then a bright lights seen before we flashback to

Seven Days Earlier
Lelia is feeling sick and Sean doesn't want to leave her side.  She thinks he is thoughtful and if she was feeling better she'd reward him.  Vicky comes into their room and is trying to convince Sean to go diving.  Lelia wants him to, but Sean isn't sure about it.  Vicky is being really nice to Lelia.  "Don't forget about that thoughtfulness thing."  There's a knock on the door and Lelia opens the door to Greg.  He wanted to "check" on her.  He has a "Mega Dose Vitamin C."  He wants to massage her foot and grabs her.  Greg is jerk.  A security job is outside.  The man who has Michael hostage.  He stabs and kills Greg and then chases Lelia down the hallway, and the security guard from last week (went to the room with Sean) inject something into Lelia. 

No reports of accidents or missing planes.  He's here and safe in St. Frances Hospital, outside of Yuma, AZ.  He possibly had a heat stroke.  He wants to talk to the police.  The nurse thinks he delusional. 

The nurse calls the police and tells him that Sean Walker is in the hospital.  Sean is wanted for murder.  (The file showed Greg's driver's license).

Sterling tells the pres that Sophia's people are responsible for the plane disappearing.  Its' not the 97 under lock and key so He knows that their suspicions of sleepers is confirmed. Sterling thinks that they have abilities that we cannot comprehend.  Sophia hasn't said a word.  She's been lying for six decades.  What makes you think you we're going to get the truth now.

November 2, 1944
REd 7 in a WWII era fighter.   Sees a crash wreckage in the Brooks Mt. Range in Alaska.    Sophia is a little injured.  They're are too many wounded.  Sophia sends out Thomas and the other able bodied "people" away from the wreckage. 

Martinez speaks with Sophia about telling the world that "We are not alone and letting her people integrate."  Was he blind to the truth?  He needs to take responsible.  Why has she deceived him?  "We mean you no harm.  My people saved your life."  "Or where they saving your life"  How many more?  Where are your people?  Where is the plane and the passengers?  He wants the truth.  Her people are getting impatient.  Pres "Is that a threat".  It's the truth.

HOSPITAL - The nurse is trying to act natural.  She tells Sean that she called the Police.  He's thankful.   She is going to sedate him through the IV, and he gets suspicious.  The YUMA police arrive and then Sean takes off.  The nurse asks him not to hurt her she has a 3 year old son.    The nurse tells for the police and FBI and they give chase.  Sean runs and cut to

A Swimming pool in Boston, MA.
Sean is swimming while the coach is cheering him on.  Lelia cannot swim and Sean thinks that it is cute.  Sean is a member of the C.S.S. and Lelia thinks that cute.  Sean explains some swimming techniques (a negative positions) and then shows her the proper technique to float.  She thanks him for the swim lesson.  He asks "How about tomorrow about 5?"  She said yeah and that he should meet her outside her dorm.

Sean is being bashed again and goes into a dark room.  The copes pass him by and then he takes off running again.  He sees an exit but is stopped by the FBI with their guns drawn.  He's under arrest for the murder of Greg Kervin.


Sterling wants Simon to figure out the full extent of their capabilities of the detainees.

Ten Years Earlier
Simon is in Langley, Virginia, and the nurse is having a hard time to find a vein.  he applied for clandestine services.  Mr. Lee is a part of the CIA.  He goes into the bathroom and he put his arm a fake vein for her to draw blood from.  He is one of THEM!

Elevator 6 to the 15th Floor
Simon is one of them, and meets Thomas (we see from 1944).  Thomas calls him brother.  The prisoner release is off the table.  The president wants to round them up.  The military could have let the plane be shot down, but they drained they're resources making the plane disappear.  Thomas decided that since they had the passengers that might as well use them.  He gave Simon the coordinates of the plane.

Sean is trying to explain to the FBI what happened, but they think his ramblings are that of a crazy man.  Sean didn't kill Greg. Vicky Roberts got him off the ship and she kidnapped his girlfriend.  The FBI is saying that this is a narcissistic paranoia schizophrenic.  The cops of blocking the road because of the plane and Sean is trying to explain it, they say its a class 4 semi wreck, and the detour is two hours out of the way to the 18.   He's lying and doesn't want he to see it.  Find my girlfriend.  They werw going to get married.  The woman sees something in her eyes, it seems though.  The cop is a fake and the plane is still smoking nearby.

The army hummers arrive and they MS4880.  Simon leads the way to the plane.  The only person they find is a dead Michael Buchanan.  Simon looks around.  An agent calls him to over to a  hill and every passenger is dead.  Didn't say how however.

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